Tuesday, 27 November 2012

Protection from the unknown

For many years we have seen paranormal investigation shows make it to television all over the world. In more recent years we have seen paranormal investigation teams set up in local areas on a mission to prove the existence of ghosts.  Unexplained evidence has been collected and people are now beginning to believe in the after life.  But at what cost to the paranormal investigators?

Stepping in to a haunted location means you are vulnerable to attacks on your psychic and physical body.  Just because you cannot see the energies does not mean they will not affect you. We have spoken to paranormal groups and heard stories of the ghost hunting affects.  Some have reported ghosts following them home and hearing unexplained noises in their houses for a few days after.  We have seen in two groups two paranormal investigators with ghost attachments.   For more information on ghost attachments, please see our previous blog post - Ghosts what are they?

At Ghosts TV we never go in to a location without protection.  

So, what is protection and how and why should you implement it?
Protection from the unknown is absolutely necessary.  Ghosts and residual ghosts are around us all the time.  People we meet in the street will be affected by ghosts in some way.  Our planet is very old and carries much energy from the past.  Over the past age we have lost connection with spirituality. Ego has taken over and now we are consumed with our own thoughts and the material world.  Because of our disconnection from the universe, and all that is, most of us can no longer see energies, which means we are at a threat from them.  If you do not protect yourself then you could be affected in a number of ways.  Most commonly are negative thoughts and addictions.  Unless you clear the energies around you then these will eventuate to anger, fear and sickness.  If you continually put yourself at risk with these energies then it is possible that sickness could get worse.  If you have a low aura ghosts can attach to you.  They will draw on your energy leaving you tired and unable to get better.  Your sleep will be disturbed.  We heal when we sleep, so your body will find it difficult to recover.  This could result in continued illness over many years and possibly lead to death.

To protect yourself you need to connect with your spirituality.  Ideally you will meditate regularly to raise your spiritual connection.  To meditate means to quieten the mind and have no thought.  If you would like to know how to meditate then YouTube is a great place.  Click here for meditation for beginners.  You do not need to meditate for an hour at the start.  This is too hard for beginners.  If you can meditate for 2 - 3 minutes daily that's enough to start connecting you to your higher self.  

Before going ghost hunting sit quietly and ask for God's light or Universal light if you'd prefer.  Surround yourself in this bright white light.  Imagine the light comes through your crown and in to your body covering to your finger tips and toes.  Call Archangel Michael for protection from negative energies (ghosts are negative lower energies).  It is also a good idea to buy some crystals.  Black tourmaline is a great protection crystal, but it needs to touch your skin.  Make sure you put it in to your socks or your bra.

If you are reading this and thinking what a load of cuckoo then it is advisable that you get out of ghost hunting.  Ghosts are real, lower energies are real and if you choose to be a sceptic then that's fine, but if you continue going in to this without protection then you are at risk of all negative things happening in your life.  

Big Bubble Media, Ghosts TV's production company, is currently conducting research on paranormal groups.  They'd love to hear from you.  If you have experienced any of the following after a ghost hunt:

-  Being followed home by ghosts (experiencing unexplained noises in the house).
-  Unexplained tiredness.
-  Consistent negative thoughts, thoughts that don't seem to be your own.
-  A string of bad luck after a ghost hunt.
-  Getting sick.  Most likely colds, chest infections, headaches.
-  Spouts of anger and being fearful of situations.
-  Breakdown in relationships.
-  Continual sickness.
-  Cancer.

Thanks very much.  Feel free to contact us if you have any questions:


Ghosts TV