Friday, 28 September 2012

Ghost clearing 26th September

September 26th 2012

On Wednesday, we were called to a ghost problem in a house in Rooty Hill, New South Wales.  We knew nothing of the family or the land history. 

First, Simon tuned in to the ghost, who was residing with the family.  He knew the ghost wasn’t interested in the family, but more interested in the land where they lived.

We drove up the street and as we pulled up we noticed the angels and crosses in the window of the next-door neighbour.  Dave (name changed for protection of the family) greeted us at the door.  He invited us in.  Sally, the wife, (name changed for protection) and their daughter introduced themselves.  I asked if we could film, but they were embarrassed about their problem.  Simon began his walk around and for some reason the hairs on my arms stood on end. 

I sat down and asked the family to explain what had been going on.

“We have been living in this house for 17 years.  For 15 years of those we have heard noises, banging and popping sounds.  In the last few years, things have got worse.”  Dave looked at his Sally his wife.

“And I have been miserable these past six months.”  Sally said to me.  “I am a different person.”

I looked at her and she was dark around her eyes.  She had lost colour in her face and was filled with darkness and grey.  I asked her to explain to me her experiences.

“I have been shaken in my bed at night.”  A cold shiver ran up my spine.

“I often see shadows out the corner of my eyes and I am always feeling like someone is watching me.”  I asked her if anyone else had the same experiences.

“It’s mostly me.  I seem to be the one who is affected the most.  In the last six months I have taken a lot of time off from work.  I have been sick and depressed.  I get angry with my husband and daughter.  I have no idea why.”  She stopped talking and looked down at the floor.  She was really upset by this whole experience. 

Sally continued.  “I often have premonitions about things that will happen to family and friends.  I’ve stopped telling everyone now, because they all think I am nuts.

Suddenly Dave said.  “Did you hear that?”  I heard nothing.

“The light tapping on the wall.” 

I got up and called out “Is there anyone there?”  Nothing.  Simon came back in to the room.  I asked him if he tapped, he said No.

Simon told us there were five ghosts to clear and he was going to start his work.

“We have often had the television change channel and sometimes we hear popping sounds, like crackers.”  Dave said.

I continued to speak to Sally.  Her energy levels were very low.  I could see it in her posture, in her face, the darkness that surrounded her eyes.

“Sally, it is possible that you are psychically tuned in, which is why you are the most affected by these paranormal occurrences.”  I explained.

Sally went on to explain about when she was younger her family would meditate and practice yoga together.  Then as soon as they moved to Australia, she didn’t connect any more to her higher self.

I explained. “Often when we are psychically tuned in we can leave ourselves open for the darker energies to enter.  You must close the door otherwise you will continually be psychically attacked.”

“How can I protect myself?”  She asked.

“Meditation is a good way to start.  You need to connect with your higher self and ask for protection.  Fill yourself with bright white light and always ground yourself after meditation.  Wear crystals too.”

Simon came back in the room and I explained that I think Sally has a ghost attachment.  Simon asked Sally to sit in a chair in the middle of the room.  He surrounded her with black tourmaline and started the process to remove the ghost attachment from her base chakra.  During the process, Sally shifted.  Her body moved, her arms vibrated and the energy surged through her body.  After time, she stopped shifting and her body relaxed.  Simon worked on her for around 15 minutes.  When he had finished, Sally explained that she felt lightheaded and different.

“When a ghost attaches to your base chakra it will drain all your energy, which will result in sickness and disease.”  Simon said.

Sally looked brighter as we left.  Simon confirmed he had cleared nine ghosts in total.  He explained there was one strong ghost, which had attached itself to Sally.  It was feeding off her fear and her anger.  The ghost was making Sally angry, so it could continue to feed.  The other eight ghosts were of a lower energy and crossed over to the other side very quickly.

An awesome job well done!

Ghosts TV Analysis

The nine ghosts were from aboriginal decent.  The area carries a lot of aboriginal history, although we have not done any research.  They were there because of the land, not because of the family.  A lot of residual energy has been left on the land, because of events that took place.

There are different types of ghosts, but most are lost souls, who did not cross over when they died.  They are lower forms of energy and exist in a different dimension.  They are drawn to people, buildings and land, because that is where they feed off of the energy. 

In this particular case, the ghosts were attached to the land, because of what happened in the passed.  There must have been a lot of anger and fear to keep the ghosts attracted to that area.  Over many years the ghosts have been feeding off one another.  The lower, smaller type ghosts would have fed off the main ghost and he would have been getting it’s energy from the land and then eventually Sally.  The ghost was smart.  He knew that by attaching to a human, he could feed off their fear and anger, which is why Sally behaved the way she did.

There are also big energy changes happening in the universe at the moment.  Our entire solar system is aligning.  Plus we are moving from one age to another.  We believe that these energy shifts are enabling ghosts to be more active and smart.  We also hope that we will see them manifest to us soon.

It is possible that Sally and her family would have been attracted to that house and to the land when they bought it 17 years ago.  If the family were troubled at the time when looking for a house, then they would have been attracted to a place with darker energy.  To them, it would have felt like the perfect home, but to those who live in the light and use their intuition, they would never have gone near it.

Hope that makes sense guys.  Remember live in the light, be happy and laugh at the face of fear.

Ghosts TV

Written by Rachel Light

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