Saturday, 6 October 2012

Recent removals


Removing ghosts is not for the fainthearted.  Simon Down has been removing ghosts for seven years.  In the past week he has completed one local ghost removal and three remote.  To remove a ghost, and send it on to another dimension, takes knowledge, power and belief.  It is a direct connection with God (if that's what you call it) to be able to perform his work on earth.

The ghost removal, from last week in Rooty Hill, has developed further.  Aboriginal ghosts haunted the house and the land.  One ghost had great strength.  It attached itself to the wife/mother - Sally.  However, since Simon removed the ghost Sally has made tremendous improvements, but she did call Simon to let him know a ghost was still hanging around.

Sally bought some crystals from a new age shop to help with her psychic protection.  The psychic in the shop told her she had a ghost with her.  The ghost communicated to the psychic.  Sally was told that an aboriginal elder was needed to bless the land and then the ghost would leave.  As we understand this is now happening.

It is important for us to explain that removing ghosts are easy and is God's will, but an aboriginal elder is required to cleanse the land because of their beliefs.  This has been good lesson to learn and one we will remember for next time.
Simon performed three remote ghost removals.  A remote ghost removal means Simon does not have to be on site to clear the ghosts.  This type of clearing is fifth dimensional healing.  Something we will explain more about that later.  To clear the ghosts Simon sends his higher self, his guides, angels etc. to the haunted location.  Using God's light, he then performs healing rituals allowing the lost souls to cross over.  Unfortunately, at the time of this practice there is nothing for the camera to see, which is why we cannot provide photographic evidence.

Each and every case had similar symptoms:  pinned to the bed, loud noises, footsteps around the house and feelings of being watched.  One particular incident was a poltergeist.  Up until now, there has been a more friendly ghost in the house, but the other day a more sinister ghost entered.  This one had great power and was able to throw knives in the kitchen.  Something of this force is not to be reckoned with.  If you ever experience poltergeist activity, you MUST report it immediately to a ghost remover.  Try not to be frightened, as ghosts feed on fear.  Laughter and love are the best emotions to send it.

As we have explained before, ghosts cannot stay earthbound.  They have to leave and once Simon hears of an earthbound ghost, he knows he has to move it on immediately.

We apologise for not having any video footage to share.  We hope to make up for this soon.  We have a number of investigations coming up and will be delighted to share everything we have with you.

Thank you again for your support.

Ghosts TV

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