Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Ghosts! What are they?


We should never fear ghosts.  That is what they want.  Ghosts feed off of fear…

We are all energy and we all vibrate at frequencies. 

As a human we have a soul.  Our soul lives on.  For now, we have chosen to live and learn on earth for the higher good of all our souls.  Whatever we learn on earth we will take with us and it will be used again.  

For humans there are different frequencies for our souls to vibrate at.  We can either vibrate at the highest frequency or the lowest frequency.  Then there is the in between.  If you manage to reach enlightenment then you will live on the calmer more peaceful side of life on earth.  Nothing fazes you and you will be in complete control of yourself.  Everything in your life will be wonderful and you will live the life that you want to.  You will be able to achieve your dreams and you will attract only positives in your life.  To reach this frequency you have to learn to love.  Love comes from within.  Once you understand this, and deal with events that have happened in your past, then can you learn to love everything else and help others.  When you are at the highest frequency you can connect with your higher self, with God (as we choose to call it) and with God’s helpers – people refer to these as your guides and angels.  You will be guided and as long as you stay connected through meditation your life will be divine.    

As with everything on earth there is an opposite.  The opposite to love is hate. If your life is filled with hate and anger your soul will vibrate on the lowest frequency.  This means you will always live in the darker side of life.  Unfortunately when this happens a connection with your higher self and God is harder.  Your thoughts and your actions will be guided by something more sinister.  You will find that things in your life go wrong and you will be attracted to darker people who are the same as you.  The more energy you put in to the darker side of life the more you will get in return.  It’s the law of attraction.  When you vibrate on the lowest frequency you are open to ghost attachments.  More on this later…

Then there are the frequencies in the middle, which most humans vibrate at.  This means you can flip between the highest frequency and the lowest frequency, but your thoughts, moods and emotions control which direction you vibrate.  It can be difficult some times to live on earth in the lighter side of life.  We are influenced every day by negativity, but it is our challenge on earth to rise above it all and reach the highest frequency.  There are of course some people who are simply not interested in peace and calm.  They thrive off evil and darkness.  For them the only way is down.  Not up!

Earth is the third dimension.  Most humans live in the third dimension, but there are many more dimensions.  When we connect with our higher self we can open up new dimensions.  Right now we are coming in to the fifth dimension.  A dimension where telepathy and telekinesis is possible, a dimension where thought controls everything and a dimension where there is manifestation through thoughts. 

Ghosts reside in a lower dimension.  When we die sometimes our soul does not cross over.  This could be because they do not realise they are dead, or fear, a traumatic death or simply because they do not want to leave earth.  The soul is a form of energy without the physical plane.  The energy of a ghost is much lower, which is why they vibrate on a lower frequency.  Earlier, we mentioned humans and ghost attachments.  When a human soul vibrates on a lower frequency they are susceptible to interference from other lower energies.  A ghost still wants to exist on earth and they can do that by attaching to a human who has similar addictions to when they were alive.  When you have addictions your soul is vulnerable to attachments from lower energies.  Addictions can be anything from alcohol, sex and drug abuse through to gambling.  The ghost will attach itself to your solar plexus (which is an energy centre at the bottom of your spine.  We will post on here signs and symptoms to see if you have a ghost attachment.)
A ghost will attach itself to people, land and buildings.   It will be drawn to land, because of the trauma and darker energy associated with it.  For example, during a battle (like in England) many men lost their lives and much emotion is associated with the area.  Ghosts may find they are drawn to the area or they may have died there and so decide to stay.  Often ghosts, who have not died in the area, will be drawn to that area, as this is a place where they can draw on energy.  They are still trying to live a life that not longer exists. 

Earth energy lines are called ley lines.  A vortex is an area where two ley lines cross.  Often a vortex is where you will find most ghost activity.  Energy earth lines will extend from an area where a lot of emotion is stored to another area of stored emotion.  An example of this is a hospital and a cemetery.  The hospital and the cemetery both have death and emotion.  Therefore, you can draw a straight line from one location to another.  If you then had a church in one area and a psychiatric hospital in another area, you can then draw another straight line from each.  When you draw all the lines to each location you will notice they cross.  Where the lines cross it is called a vortex and this is where you will find an increase in paranormal activity.

Ghosts also attach to buildings.  As we have explained before this is because of their emotional attachment to that place.  We have often visited psychiatric hospitals.  Those who have died there, and not crossed over, choose to stay, because of the energy drawing them there and because they do not want to leave.

All souls need to cross over.  Paranormal groups who intimidate and try to make the ghosts angry are not seeing the ghosts for what they really are.  At the end of the day ghosts are humans who no longer reside on earth.  They are the soul of the person lost in the physical world that they no longer belong.  It is cruel to intimidate ghosts.  When ghosts feel safe and not under threat, they will manifest themselves and they will communicate.  Communication with ghosts is a wonder experience, but you must always have the right intent and that is pure love. 

The lost souls left behind on earth need help.  It is God’s will that they return to the dimension they belong and as Lightworkers that is what we are here to do.


Do not intimidate it and do not fear it.  When you give fear and thought to a ghost you are helping it to exist by giving it your energy.  The best treatment for an unwanted ghost is to laugh and tell it to go away. 

Signs and symptoms of a ghost present in your house:
-       Seeing shadows out of the corner of your eye.
-       Hearing noises, tapping or footsteps.
-       A room is usually colder than another.
-       Unexplained popping or crackling.
-       Smells – floral, perfume, or not so pleasant smells.
-       High wall or ceiling stains.
-       Feeling like there is someone behind you.

Signs and symptoms of a ghost attachment to a human
-       Unexplained addictions:  drug, alcohol, sugar, gambling.
-       Depression.
-       Anger.
-       Not feeling yourself.
-       Isolation from others.
-       Bad dreams or nightmares you can’t remember.
-       Irritability.
-       In extreme cases: physical abuse such as scratches, bruising.
-       Unexplained headaches.

Please contact Ghosts TV if you need help with a ghost – info@ghoststv.com

All clearings can be done remotely or if you are close we can see you in person.  With all clearings we ask for a small donation to be made to us, so we can continue our work.  Donations can be made through PayPal and by sending money to info@ghoststv.com

Written by Rachel Light 

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